
Wayan Bendi

Contemporary traditional painter who was born in 1950 into a family of traditional painters in Batuan Village, Gianyar, Bali. Until the end of his life, the Maestro did not stop pouring out his soul on canvas, even though he was sick due to kidney failure and required regular dialysis. Bendi was so immersed in his world as a painter, even though he did not receive an academic education, behind his big name as a maestro it turned out that he had been forming it since he was a child. His sincerity and total dedication to the art of painting can be seen in each of his works. Having different characteristics, his works are distinctive and dare to break through, including things that are considered "quirky" in traditional Batuan style paintings. Like his work in the painting "Reformation", the atmosphere during the student demonstrations in 1998. His "ignorant" attitude, wild inspiration as a Batuan style painter, ultimately led to a different assessment. His works amazed the international world. Bendi is often invited to paint and exhibit abroad, such as: Europe, America, Japan, Malaysia and other countries in the world. One of his works is immortalized in a conference building in Japan, as well as in famous museums in Bali. And collected by art collectors, both from within and outside the country.

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by Wayan Bendi


Wayan Bendi

1990, Acrylic On Canvas

257 x 148 cm

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